Kenley, you are so much fun at three months. At the beginning of the month, you were just starting to give out smiles and coos. Now you will smile just about anytime someone makes eye contact. You're realizing that you have a voice, and we like to have cooing conversations back and forth. This morning you went on and on for 45 minutes. Your grandma says that you have a "girly" voice. You have also discovered your hands and like to stare at them, and turn them, and finally stick them into your mouth. Nana says that this was your great-grandma Hurd's favorite time, when babies start to discover their hands, and she would have loved how intent you are. You've been sucking your thumb daily and have even fallen asleep that way a few times. A natural thumb-sucker, just like your mama was.
You've become even more content this month. You are happiest when someone is close and talking to you, but you also like to sit in the bouncy seat, go for walks in the stroller, and lie on your quilt and wiggle and kick. I try to anticipate when you are getting hungry, because once you realize you want to eat, the wailing gets loud and demanding very quickly. You're nursing every 3 hours during the day and a couple times during the night. You're settling into regular nursing times, but your napping times and durations are still unpredictable. We can't complain, though, since we are all getting good sleep at nighttime. Bouncing or walking around with you (or both at the same time) is still the best way to get you to sleep.
This month you were baptized at our church, Zion Lutheran, in Iowa City. It was such a beautiful day. So many people from your family were at the service and at our home afterwards to help us celebrate. You also took your first road trip to Chicago this month with mama and her friends, Wendy and Codi. We had a fun girls' day shopping at the Renegade craft fair and you were such a great traveler - sleeping through most of the car time, and soaking in the sights and sounds when you were awake.