Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mmm, donuts

We visited my family in Des Moines this weekend, and had a fun couple days! Lachlan's highlight was going with papa to pick out donuts this morning. He chose frosted with sprinkles, and claimed the 2 sprinkled donuts in the box for himself.
I put Kenley in the high chair and offered her a plain donut. Well, I didn't get a photo of her tantrum, but let's just say that she had other plans. She was not happy until she was sitting in a big chair with a sprinkled donut of her own.
Luckily, Lachlan was in a sharing mood and settled for a chocolate frosted donut as number 2.
Yep, she's already pretty good at getting her way.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Pomegranate Love

Pomegranates. It seems like a fruit for a special occasion, because of the effort it takes to get the arils out. Slicing one open is like finding a treasure, and I love the vibrant red color. I remember when Mrs. Ellerhoff, my English teacher in high school, brought pomegranates in to class one day so that those of us who had never tasted one could try them.
The easiest way I have found to separate the seeds from the rest of the flesh is to work in a bowl of water, then strain off the pith. It keeps things from getting so messy, and keeps my fingers from getting dyed red.
I picked up a couple pomegranates last week because I wanted to try this recipe I saw on Made. Although my Hipstamatic photo of the cookies doesn't make them look very appetizing, I assure you that they were a success! The baked cookies were very good, but I agree with Dana that the cold cookie dough was especially delicious! Yum!

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Kenley's new skills

walking a video by Kirsten W on Flickr.

and just like that, we have a toddler. K @ 16 1/2 months.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Halloween 2011: Trick or Treat

Our trick-or-treaters, ready for action!

my trick or treat banner via Martha Stewart at JoAnn's
We went trick or treating with our favorite neighbors - Peter & Tinkerbelle, the Tin Man & the Lion.
The big boys were SO excited and ran from house to house. It took about half as much time for us to make it through the neighborhood as it did last year!
Kenley spent the trip in the stroller, saying "hiiii" to passersby and giggling at the boys running.
Spooky alien!
We had such a fun evening and collected enough candy to last us a loooong time!