Kenley, month 1
Kenley, you have already brought much joy to our lives in a short time. You spent your first month doing all the normal things that babies do – lots of sleeping, eating, and making dirty diapers. You also spent a good part of it being held by all the visitors who came to see you. Your Grandma Aschim spent the first week with us, and all your grandparents, great grandmas and your aunts and uncles have been visiting. People always ask if you are a “good baby” and you certainly are. You have a happy disposition (as long as you are full and have a dry diaper). You had a special photo session at nana and pop po’s house when you were almost three weeks old. You made your first trip to Des Moines and got to spend time with mama’s family and friends. When we were at home in Iowa City, we spent lots of time outside while your big brother played.
You are breastfeeding very well – every 2 or 3 hours during the day and about every 4 hours at night. You enjoy bath time and you like to be up and moving around. We swaddle you up and do lots of bouncing and walking to put you to sleep. You sleep in the bassinet by mom and dad’s bed at night and nap in your crib during the day.
1 month stats:
weight: 9 lbs, 12 oz
height: 21 ¼”
head circ: 37.4”
Kenley, month 2
You’ve already changed so much this month! Dad says that you look “like a real person” now instead of a newborn. Everyone says that you look like mama and you look like Grandpa Aschim, too. You certainly have the Aschim cheeks. This month we took trips to the park and the Farmer’s Market, and lots of walks to the mail-house with Lachlan and Sadie. You enjoy riding in the front pack and I often put you in it when you are sleepy and I need my hands to help Lachlan with something. You usually fall right asleep when you are riding that way – or when you are riding in your carseat. You spent lots of time with your grandparents this month, they all love to snuggle you and whisper how much they love you in your ear. You are also very popular with your cousins Jake and Dylan. They are so proud to hold you and investigate your little fingers and toes. You took your first trip to the Iowa State Fair this month, although you slept through most of the fun.
We have enjoyed watching you become more alert and aware this month. You started smiling when you were five weeks old and now you give out smiles to anyone who gets up close to talk to you. Your arms and legs are busily moving whenever you are awake, and recently you’ve started to coo and work your tongue in and out a lot. You’re slowly developing more of a routine with napping and nursing, just in time for mama to head back to work part-time. You intently watch whatever is happening around you when you are awake. When you fuss or cry, Lachlan is the first to run over and check “Baby Ken” and tell you “it’s ok, don’t cry”.
2 month stats:
weight: 11 lb. 10 oz
height: 22 1/8”
head circ: 39”