Wednesday, April 22, 2009

hello, twitter.

I decided to jump on the bandwagon and join Twitter. Since the status updates are pretty much the only thing I enjoy about Facebook, I thought it might be for me. You can find me here.

Got a flat tire today on the way to work, had a kinda frustrating day at preschool, spent the *entire* afternoon trying to put together an early birthday gift playhouse for Lachlan. Which kept me from checking off anything else from the massive to-do list I have before his 1st birthday party this weekend. So, feeling kinda grumpy, but hopefully a relaxing evening ahead will help.

1 comment:

  1. I like Twitter SO much more than FB. I'll follow you--I'm cbethblog.

    Wow, just looked at your blog archive--you've been blogging for longer than I knew what a blog was! Great that you've stuck with it this long!
