So, I just realized today that tomorrow marks 30 weeks of pregnancy for me. That means I'm only 10 weeks from my due date! How is that possible?? And how will I get all my projects done?? ;) I like to have lots of projects-in-progress at any given time. Last weekend I made two long to-do lists - one listing all the house projects and little jobs that I want to get done before baby comes and one listing all the crafty projects I want to get done. Most of them are "want-to's" rather than "need-to's" but I still feel compelled to stay busy checking things off, since I know in a couple months I won't want to do anything except snuggle our baby girl.

We did do some rearranging in the nursery and moved this antique dresser (my mom got it for me when I was a little girl) in and Lachlan's cubby dresser into his new big boy room. I'm working on machine quilting the baby quilt draped in the background. Hoping to get that finished in the next week or so.

Then there's the handmade 2nd birthday party invites for a special little boy. I hand-carved the crayon stamp and I think it turned out super-cute.

I started this granny square blanket months ago and I have about 20 squares finished. I think my plan is to do 48 to make a baby-size blanket. I can get one or two done during an evening of tv-watching, so I'm hoping to make make progress here, too.

Then there are the projects that aren't so pretty (yet), like hanging new roller blinds in L's room and assembling his big-boy bed frame.
And this beautiful weather is calling me outside for gardening to-do's - like the asparagus patch that I cleaned out this afternoon.
I know that I won't be able to finish all the things on my lists, especially as my energy and stamina levels gradually go down the further I get into my third trimester. But I like staying busy and I love having handmade touches in our home, so I'll keep plugging away.
OK. I'm exhausted just reading this. I know you will enjoy all of it though. The quilt looks so pretty. I'm glad you are having a girl to shower all of your creativity on. (boys are great but girls clothes and "stuff" are so fun for Moms).