As busy I am taking care of two little kids, a house, and teaching part time - I usually have some extracurricular projects in progress. Often they are things I can do with the kids, while they are playing, or while they are sleeping. Here are a few projects I am working on in bits and pieces right now:

Kenley's first tutu! Bethany started this and I'm going to finish it up in time for our family photo shoot on Monday.

The garden... We have a great, big, full sun garden space so I do feel compelled to have a garden (especially after I abandoned it last summer). Our May has been so chilly and rainy that I haven't had a chance to plant it yet. Hoping to get to that this weekend!

Seed starting - I got around to starting a few seeds inside that won't make it out to the garden for several weeks, but judging by my current gardening tardiness, that should work out just fine.

Kenley's baby book - I'm using some PSE, digital scrapbooking
templates, photos and my monthly blog write-ups about Kenley to create a baby book for her. I'm planning to print it through
Blurb (snatched up a Groupon for their site a couple weeks ago - looking forward to a high quality printed product) after she turns 1. So fun to look back through the photos and put them together with the stories.

Kids' artwork display - I bought 3 11"x14" frames to display some of Lachlan's artwork. Now that I have them hanging together, I decided that I want a bigger statement/impact, so I ordered 6 more and I'm measuring out a grid of 9
frames. They are pretty inexpensive and easy to change out the artwork, so I'm hoping it can become a fun gallery space.

The map project - The artwork in our house has been pretty much the same since we hung it when we moved in 4 years ago. I've been itching to do a little bit of redecorating, and
this photo on Pinterest inspired me to start a large fabric USA map to hang in a spot that needs some freshening up. I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew here (the map is 36"x56" and will have 50+ pieces to sew, of course), so I'm determined to work hard to finish it in the next couple weeks before I lose my motivation!
photos taken with the Hipstamatic app on my iPhone