Monday, August 22, 2005

More Lemon-Lime Fun!

I worked on some decos tonight for the Embellished Circus, so I thought I would share some of the finished product. I'm pretty happy with them - they turned out looking very "fresh". So, they'll be in the mail tomorrow in time for the August 31st deadline.


  1. I keep kicking myself for not signing up for the lemon-lime swap. I always kick myself for not signing up for colour-based swaps but I still never sign up for them. Oh well, I'll have to content myself with doing a page in both of these decos, since you're sending them to my wife.

    P.S. I love your fiance's (that is your fiance in the fair picture, yes?) Nordiques shirt. They were my favourite team until they moved to Colorado. Sigh.

  2. Yep, that's the fiance, Bill! He found that t-shirt in a store a couple of years ago and had to get it. I think that he's a fan of the retro logo more than anything else.

    p.s. I'm glad you'll be doing a page in the decos!
