Tuesday, June 02, 2009

vacation time!

I'm off work for a couple weeks, so I'm enjoying hanging out full time with my little dude. We have just been hanging out around the house, doing laundry, cleaning, reading books, and playing outside.
His new thing is climbing on anything and everything. He's been climbing up to hang out on dada's chair. So cute. He's also practicing eating with a spoon. Check out videos here and here if you want to see him in action. :)
I also found a spot for a new piece of artwork. Bill's parents got this neat angel sculpture for us in Sante Fe. I think she looks perfect here!

Looking forward to a couple more days around the house, maybe a little scrapbooking and definitely some sorting & purging to get ready for our upcoming neighborhood garage sale (June 19 & 20, please stop by if you're in the area!). This weekend we're going to be visiting grammie and papa in Des Moines and next week it's off to northern Wisconsin for a rustic lake adventure! Hope you're all welcoming June with some fun plans, too!


  1. The licking the licking the bowl video is so adorable! How many times have wanted to say "forget the spoon!"
    Go Lachlan!

  2. thats a large piece of artwork to fly with... I can just see some lady sitting with it in her lap on the seat next to me. :)
