Wednesday afternoon we had the 6 baby Baby Shower. It was a blast. So many babies - so much minature cutie-pie goodness. One was only 4 days old! Thanks to Nici for the good advice to decorate onsies for gifts. I bought a pack, lined them up, and individualized them with fabric paints. I like the way they came out, and the elephant cards aren't too shabby, either! It is actually easier to make gifts like this when you have to make them in bulk, because I had a system set up for cranking them out. My last Artists Books class was on Tuesday. I finally finished my edition of 15 alphabet books just in time. It was a really great experience, especially being able to see the other students work and discuss my process with them. It made me want to take more bookmaking classes, and I'm even interested in enrolling in the Center for the Book program at the University of Iowa, but for now, I'm looking forward to having Tuesday nights free again.
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