Saturday, April 19, 2008

29 years

(Kirsten in 1979 and 2008)
Today I turn 29 - doesn't seem quite possible! Neither does it seem possible I'll be meeting our little baby any time now!


  1. I had a .00000000001 second of panic when I saw a baby pic loading.. I couldn't believe it had all happened already... Anyway, happy birthday again... I hope you get a beautiful little present soon... :)

  2. *happy birthday!*

  3. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Ohhh! You had me there! I about swallowed my cereal whole!! Happy Birthday!!

  4. Anonymous3:47 PM

    I had the same reaction as deb! And before I read it, I thought, Oh how cute! I hope your birthday was fantastic since I forgot to send a message. Keep us updated! :)

  5. Happy Birthday! I thought the first picture was the new baby!!!

  6. Happy Birthday! You fooled me with the baby pic too. I about jumped out of my chair! He will be here before you know it, I can't wait to see him!!

  7. Anonymous9:07 AM

    okay like everyone else, i flipped out at the first sight of the baby photo! happy belated birthday...i was in the store this weekend and was telling the girls, i keep checking your blog in hopes of seeing a post titled, "Contractions..." hehe. I know you'll be in a rush and everything to get to the hospital, but if you could just stop and blog about it first, that would be GREAT! ;)Take care!
