Sunday, December 21, 2008

4 more days until Christmas!

The days fly by even faster during these holiday weeks, don't they? I've been busy working on finishing up shopping and making Christmas gifts (hmm, still getting ready to *start* making a few?), baking, and hanging out with mom and Bethany while they were here for a visit.
Auntie Bethany was working on getting Lachlan to crawl while she was home (to her cell phone of course, such a modern baby). He's not up on all fours, but he is army crawling pretty well - here's a video.

Been kinda keeping up with my December Daily book, and trying to remember that I can just have a photo from the day + a few words, even if what we did wasn't especially festive or exciting.
Hope you are all enjoying the season and keeping warm this weekend!

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