Have a safe and fun New Year's Eve tonight! I think we will be taking it easy at home. Not sure if I can manage staying up until midnight to ring in 2010! Be back tomorrow with some goals/resolutions for the new year!

We had a such a lovely Christmas this year. My family was able to make it to our house on Christmas eve in spite of the yucky weather. We had dinner at our house along with Bill's parents and then went to the candlelight Christmas Eve church service. Lachlan fell asleep in my arms while the congregation was singing Silent Night and holding their candles. It was beautiful. Unfortunately he was running a fever Thursday and Friday, so he wasn't quite himself, but he was a trooper, especially with the help of all his extended family being around for entertainment.
Christmas morning we opened gifts and had a late brunch, then relaxed, played games and had chili for dinner. Lachlan wasn't terribly interested in opening the gifts, but once we helped him get them open, there were lots of favorites: big box of blocks from nana & pop po, a drivable roadster from ma & papa, new playdough & tools, Yo Gabba Gabba figurines, bath toys, and books, a tool box with wooden hammers and screws, and a photo album with photos of family and friends. He's going to be a busy boy with all these new things in the house!
Bill and I got some great gifts, too - Seinfeld Monopoly, the Planet Earth dvds, the new Super Mario Bros. for the Wii, and I got a couple books from my wishlist. We're all spoiled!
The best part of Christmas was having our family with us and being able to celebrate while staying cozy at home. Hope you had a great week, too.
We're just getting ready to sit down for Christmas Eve dinner with my family and Bill's parent's. Our first time hosting the Christmas festivities! Then off to church at 7 and looking forward to Santa visiting our house tonight!
(The trees were inspired by this blog and although I gathered all the supplies, Bethany executed all 6 for our dinner tables.)
Definitely have a little bump making an appearance. Feeling pretty good in the 2nd trimester so far, other than a slight headcold.
Today I was talking to one of the boys in my preschool class and he said something about "she's not very big yet", referring to the baby. I said "Oh, do you think the baby is a girl?" and he said, "yes, don't you?". So there's a 5 year old prediction for you. We scheduled our January ultrasound yesterday, hopefully we will be able to find out in about a month!