Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Here I am, still a little obsessed with the quilt. It's spring break time, so I am working a little at Reminisce, but otherwise I am sewing...doing some organizing...a little relaxing... and still pregnant! The photo below is from my 35 week mark a few days ago. He'll be here before we know it! Love this idea of a monthly baby photo. Even though I already received these two great slings, I still really feel like I probably need one of these?!? They all serve different purposes (or at least I can tell myself that, ha ha).

In other baby-related news (that's about the only news we have around here these days), Bill and I watched The Business of Being Born this past Sunday. If you haven't heard about it, Ricki Lake recruited a filmaker and friend to make a documentary after deciding to have a home birth. Here's a description from their website:

"The film interlaces intimate birth stories with surprising historical, political and scientific insights and shocking statistics about the current maternity care system. When director Epstein discovers she is pregnant during the making of the film, the journey becomes even more personal."

You might imagine that it is geared towards those interested in "alternative" birth methods, which is true, but it is also incredibly informative and compelling. I highly recommend it. Both Bill and I found it to be very reaffirming for the choices we have made for our birth plan, and it was great to see some ecstatic birth experiences. So anyway, yeah, if you're pregnant or thinking about it - see the movie!


  1. I got a Moby wrap as a gift and its nice because you can wear it a lot of different ways. http://www.mobywrap.com/

  2. Look at you - you are such a cute mama-to-be! We must catch up soon before the boy arrives :)
